In Palo Pinto County Emergency Service District #2 (ESD#2), Emergency Medical Service is provided through a contract with the Santo Volunteer Fire and EMS Department. Santo provides 24/7/365 ambulance response throughout the district and adjacent areas (through mutual aid agreements). Santo has two Mobile Intensive Care Unit capable ambulances and a Heavy Rescue Truck to provide emergency response. The department responds to calls with units crewed by Texas certified Paramedics, Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians, and Emergency Medical Technicians operating under treatment protocols approved by their medical director.

ESD#2 also funds the Lone Camp First Responder Organization (FRO) operating out of the Lone Camp Volunteer Fire Department and providing trained first responders to emergency calls within the Lone Camp Fire District and adjacent areas. In 2019 ESD#2 purchased a dedicated First Responder Vehicle for the Lone Camp FRO. It will go in service in early 2020.

Both Santo Volunteer Fire & EMS and Lone Camp FRO participate in community emergency medical training such as CPR and First Aid.

While not specifically funded by ESD#2, the Brazos Volunteer Fire Department responds to emergency calls when requested to provide on-scene support within and adjacent to their Fire District.

Texas EMS and Trauma Systems

1251 FM 2201
Santo, TX 76472

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7236 South FM 4
Santo, TX 76472

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201 East Rusk St.
Santo, TX 76472

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